
Welcome to Money Making Pillars and my About Us page where I share my vast experience in making money online for over a decade through a variety of strategies.

Those strategies include affiliate marketing, CPA and lead generation using SEO amd list-building to obtain a no-cost source of traffic.

terry didcott internet marketerHi, I'm Terry Didcott and this is my website. You may not have heard of me and that's because I generally keep a low profile in what I do, aside from actually authoring this site.

I use a variety of Internet marketing strategies to generate an online income that is part passive, part active. Oh, I play guitar too!

For the most part, my active role in making money for myself is in content creation for my websites (I have more than one) and working my SEO (search engine optimization) magic to generate organic traffic in the form of real visitors to my pages where I display ads of one type or another.

The ads I display on some of my pages are mostly affiliate advertisements of products produced by someone else that I take a commission for generating sales. That's the basis of how affiliate marketers make money, by the way!

Social Media

There seems to be a big push toward social media as a means of attracting buyers to offers by a lot of digital nomads (people who earn money from the Internet without needing a static base or office to work from).

Personally, I'm not one of them. While I see some value in getting social traffic to my sites, which is in turn viewed by the big search engines as a good thing because it shows the websites are active, I don't rely on such traffic to be my main source of buying visitors.


Let's just say, when I'm wasting, erm, I mean spending time looking at one or other social media account, I'm there to catch up with what friends are up to online and to be entertained to a certain extent. I'm not looking to buy anything!

When I want to buy something, I go to search engines to get product reviews from professional reviewers and/or satisfied or otherwise customers/owners of said product.

I believe that's also what most people do.

Hence, the main bulk of "buying" traffic, including myself at times, is searching on Google or whatever for the info they need. Not Facebook or Twitter etc.

Did I just reveal an Internet Marketer secret just there?

Well, let's just say that I reveal a fair few of these so-called "expert" secrets in the pages of this website!

So if you want to learn more about how to make money online by reading about how I make money online, you should probably read some of the pages on this website!

You can thank me later.