Home Working for Success

There are a number of aspects to home working for success, especially if that means making money from the work you do and making a worthwhile amount of it!

In a previous article, I mentioned I was going to expand on the point of getting websites ranked in the search engines and how to do that. Well, here is that expansion of knowledge!

home working for success

Before you can get started on a website ranking strategy, better known as search engine optimization (SEO), you will need to have already planned in advance what your website is all about, or its niche.

Topical Relevance

With this in mind, it is important to maintain this niche topic throughout the site in one form or another. This is to increase the site's topical relevancy, which is itself an important marker for the search engines to know what your site is about and where to place its pages in the search index.

Of course, that will mean creating the content for the site to be relevant to its topic. For example, if your site is about dog training, you should include content about the various aspects of training dogs and not include articles about how to improve your golf swing!

If that wasn't enough, you also have to be thinking about keywords. What? These are the terms that people are going to key into search engines in order to find your site.

It is the most relevant keywords that your site's page will rank for if it is properly optimized.

For example, if you want your page to rank for the search term, "How to train a golden retriever," your page title must include that exact phrase and the content must be about training golden retrievers and not about how to feed a fussy chihuahua!

The content must match the page title in relevance for it to be correctly ranked and that's before you have even started on any off-site SEO strategy.

Speaking of which, here's a timely tip.

Do not start a site about how to make money online!

Why not?

There are too many people doing the same thing and to get anywhere, you will have your work cut out for you, so it's better to avoid that one for starters and concentrate on keywords that are less competitive.

What Do People Want or Need?

work at home successTake a product that people are likely to buy online, or a service that people are likely to search for.

That will include just about anything that people are going to want or to need. Where there is a need, there will be websites providing a solution or in some way filling that need.

How do affiliate marketers make money? They write about things that people need where there is a product or service that will satisfy that need at a fair price and included within the write-up will be a convenient advertisement for said product or service.

This is what you'll learn to do as well.

Then look at the competition. Are there millions of competing sites for that keyword phrase?

Or are there just a couple of hundred thousand? The lower the number of competing sites, the better chance you have of competing.

Start Building a Website or Blog

The next thing you need to do is to create your main blog or static website targeting this niche.

Write your posts/articles with originality and include a liberal smattering of your main keyword as well as some longer related keywords (known as long tail keywords).

If you are unsure what that means, here's a pretty graphic example: Say you decided to target the finance niche (this is not really recommended as it is also highly competitive). If your main keyword is "Refinancing Credit" then you could also look at similar terms, such as "refinancing home credit" "refinancing personal credit" etc.

As an addition to website building and hosting rankable articles to generate traffic to your site, you can also ask those visitors to opt-in to an email list that you build to protect your traffic from search engine changes that are inevitable as they can be devastating.

Build More Sites

Then create several similar blogs on more general aspects of finance and write posts that contain a link to your main site.

Now here's how things have changed over the years. The old way (prior to 2012) was to make sure the link is anchored, not just linking to the url of your main site, but include the keywords in the anchor text of your link.

Nowadays, you need to turn that on its head!

Advances in search algorithms means it can actually harm your site if you have too many inbound links with all the same keyword anchor. It is much better to go after the bulk of your inbound links that are just a naked url, or generic term such as "click here".

This is important in the nth degree! This will improve your main site's chances of rising in the SERPs because it will be building authority for itself.

Without the keyword anchor, you might think that you will not pass on authority for the keyword, but there is a better way to do this now. Make sure the article your link is embedded in is highly relevant to your site's niche and ensure you surround the bare link with your keywords in text.

This is important that you do so. Because the algo reads the immediate text associated with a link (and not just the anchor) and if it is relevant, it will levy more authority weight to the link.

Ranking Takes Longer than It Used To

Ranking a site for certain keywords will take time, granted, because the search engines and in particular Google are quite slow at counting inbound links for a site.

But it will happen and when it does, your site will have authority enough to launch it to wards the front page of the search results, which is where you want to be in order to attract sufficient traffic to make the money you intend making from your main site.

This is just one way to make money online from your efforts, but it can be straightforward and doable as successful as affiliate marketing can be. The process may be a long difficult one, but once you get past the initial setting up and promoting stages, the rewards will start to be reaped if you've done your work properly.

Isn't that worth going the extra mile for? I think so!


I have only touched on one aspect of making money when you work at home, which is arguably the most effective considering most people now have access to a computer and the Internet.

There are more ways to achieve a stable and even abundant income by working in a home office and I will look at them in separate associated articles.


Posted on February 15, 2022 in work-at-home | 0 Comments

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